A new mezzanine is being erected in the former Sanctuary space.
With Hope Church’s beautiful new Gathering addition completed, the focus has shifted to the Commons, a new social hub for the church community. Repurposing the existing structure includes the creation of new floor space within the building. The high interior volume will be surrounded by mezzanine classrooms connected by a bridge. Above, the photo shows the steel structure for one of these classrooms to the right, with future new window openings framed in the exterior wall. To the left is the new balcony bridge structure with views opened up to the original lobby.
On the opposite side, the structure is similar, but with a concrete block hoistway for an elevator. Another new window enhances the large main floor classroom.
While the mezzanine floor is obviously new, less apparent is the new main floor slab. This level floor has been placed above the original sloped sanctuary floor, flush with other parts of the building.
To the right you can see the steel columns and channels that will support the balcony link that connects the elevator and the mezzanine classrooms. This feature will provide dramatic views of the main Commons space below. This structure ties in with the existing glulam arches to its advantage for some of its support, and also offers views to the existing lobby.
We are truly pleased to be able to show this unique space coming together!